
  • Heron, J., Whitaker, D., & McGraw, P. V. (2004). Sensory uncertainty governs the extent of audio-visual interaction. Vision Research, 44(25), 2875-2884.  (pdf)
  • Roach, N. W., Heron, J., & McGraw, P. V. (2006). Resolving multisensory conflict: A strategy for balancing the costs and benefits of audio-visual integration. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 273(1598), 2159-2168. (pdf)
  • Heron, J., Whitaker, D., McGraw, P. V., & Horoshenkov, K. V. (2007). Adaptation minimizes distance-related audiovisual delays. Journal of Vision, 7(13), 5 1-8. (pdf)
  • Hanson, J. V. M., Heron, J., & Whitaker, D. (2008). Recalibration of perceived time across sensory modalities. Experimental Brain Research, 185(2), 347-352. (pdf)
  • Hanson, J. V. M., Whitaker, D., & Heron, J. (2009). Preferential processing of tactile events under conditions of divided attention. Neuroreport, 20(15), 1392-1396. (pdf)
  • Heron, J., Hanson, J. V., & Whitaker, D. (2009). Effect before cause: Supramodal recalibration of sensorimotor timing. PLoS One, 4(11), e7681.  (pdf)
  • Heron, J., Roach, N. W., Whitaker, D., & Hanson, J. V. M. (2010). Attention regulates the plasticity of multisensory timing. European Journal of Neuroscience, 31(10), 1755-1762. (pdf)
  • Roach, N. W., Heron, J., Whitaker, D., & McGraw, P. V. (2011). Asynchrony adaptation reveals neural population code for audio-visual timing. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 278(1710), 1314-1322 (pdf)
  • Aaen-Stockdale, C., Hotchkiss, J., Heron, J., & Whitaker, D. (2011). Perceived time is spatial frequency dependent. Vision Research 51 (11), 1232-1238 (pdf)
  • Heron, J., Aaen-Stockdale, C., Hotchkiss, J., Roach, N. W., McGraw, P. V., & Whitaker, D. (2012). Duration channels mediate human time perception. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 279(1729) 690-698 (pdf)
    • This study was featured on BBC Radio 4’s Material World (click here for a podcast and here for program information), Wired magazine (click here to access the article) and the science section of VPRO’s (Dutch public Broadcasting organisation) website (click here to access the article).
  • Nemes, V.A. Whitaker, D., Heron, J. & McKeefry, D. (2011) Multiple spatial frequency channels in human visual perceptual memory. Vision Research, 51(23-24), 2331-2339 (pdf)
  • Heron, J., Roach, N. W., Hanson, J. V. M., McGraw, P. V., & Whitaker, D. (2012) Audiovisual time perception is spatially specific. Experimental Brain Research, 218(3):477-85 (pdf).
  • Heron, J., Hotchkiss, J., Aaen-Stockdale, C., Roach, N. W., & Whitaker, D. (2013) A neural hierarchy for illusions of time: Duration adaptation precedes multisensory integration. Journal of Vision, 13(14): 4 1-12. (pdf)
  • Fulcher C, McGraw PV, Roach NW, Whitaker D & Heron J. (2016) Object size determines the spatial spread of visual time. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 283: 20161024. (pdf)
  • Roach NW, McGraw PV, Whitaker D & Heron J (2017) Generalization of prior information for rapid Bayesian time estimation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 114(2): 412-417. (pdf)
  • Motala, A., Heron, J., McGraw, P.V., Roach, N.W. and Whitaker, D., (2018). Rate after-effects fail to transfer cross-modally: Evidence for distributed sensory timing mechanisms. Scientific reports8(1), p.924. (pdf)
  • Heron J, Fulcher C, Collins H, Whitaker D & Roach NW (2019) Adaptation reveals multi-stage coding of visual duration. Scientific Reports (9), Article number: 3016 (pdf)
  • Motala, A., Heron, J., McGraw, P.V. et al. (2020) Temporal rate is not a distinct perceptual metric. Scientific Reports (10): 8654. (pdf)
  • Matsumura, Y., Roach, N. W., Heron, J., & Miyazaki, M. (2024). Body-part specificity for learning of multiple prior distributions in human coincidence timing. npj Science of Learning, 9(1), 34. (pdf)

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